
Impression of Week 8

      We didn't do much during the lecture this week because this week is a test week. We had a test on Wednesday and that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it was actually pretty easy.
      On Monday's lecture, all we did was one function: deletion of data from BST from a certain node. In this function, we have several things to consider: if the node is None; using the BST characteristics  to avoid unnecessary iterations; is the node a leaf or a internal node; what should we return?
      So, when implementing the function, we should take all of these things into consideration. As Danny suggests, we should have a list of all the possible situations:

def delete(node, data):
    ''' (BTNode, data) -> BTNode

    Delete, if it exists, node with data and return resulting tree.

    >>> b = BTNode(8)
    >>> b = insert(b, 4)
    >>> b = insert(b, 2)
    >>> b = insert(b, 6)
    >>> b = insert(b, 12)
    >>> b = insert(b, 14)
    >>> b = insert(b, 10)
    >>> b = delete(b, 12)
    >>> print(b)
    # Algorithm for delete:
    # 1. If this node is None, return that
    # 2. If data is less than node.data, delete it from left child and
    #     return this node
    # 3. If data is more than node.data, delete it from right child
    #     and return this node
    # 4. If node with data has fewer than two children,
    #     and you know one is None, return the other one
    # 5. If node with data has two non-None children,
    #     replace data with that of its largest child in the left subtree,
    #     and delete that child, and return this node
    return_node = node
    if node is None:
    elif node.data > data:
        node.left = delete(node.left, data)
    elif node.data < data:
        node.right = delete(node.right, data)
    elif node.left is None:
        return_node = node.right
    elif node.right is None:
        return_node = node.left
        node.data = _find_max(node.left).data
        node.left = delete(node.left, node.data)
    return return_node

      List a todo list and follows it. That is a good way to be thorough and organized.

