I saw this topic after I finished my week 3 SLOG!!! God!!
For this topic, I think I'm gonna start with the word geek. Geek should refer to someone who is super smart and has inadequate communication with others. Those people who might have issue to talk with others or they are too busy doing their work and have no spare time. Why do this kind of people write? It seems obvious right now. To fill in the communication gap between them and others.
For them, writing is a good way to record and show others their work. They cannot simply go around the world and tell everybody they meet what they did in order to publish their work. If he just talk to people about his work, there is no guarantee that others won't just stole his work and claim that it is theirs. But, as long as they write it down, they make it sure that their work can be read all over the world. And provide an evidence of proving his work.
Secondly, it provides a chance for them to communicate with others and show their world to others. Some geeks are not understood or accepted by others for their different behaviours. Writing seems to be a good way for them to express themselves and get people to know about their thoughts, their own minds. Definitely better than speaking as you got to arrange your word when you are writing and in this way you express better.
Those are the reasons I can think of for now, I'll add things if I come up with new ideas.